Evolutionary Dance
with Ambhika Devi Karma
Evolutionary Dance is a Guided Movement Meditation exploration leading into a Heart expansion to Meditation and Stillness. Our personal intention is invited to bring into space as our fuel for the Dance. Its an exploration of sensation, emotion to heighten stare of awareness. There will be guidance, music, and languaging specifically curated to act as a translator so that any vision message that is coming through visions, feelings, sensations, images, intuition can be translated and support their birthing into being. The Theme for the dance is Journey back to Love- Sharing the Wisdom of the Plant Teachers Noya Rao from Ucayali Peru. Ambikha was recently been to Peru, working with a Master Plant called Noya Rao and other Plant Teachers. Mother Noya Rao carries the vibration of Love and she is here to remind us especially for those that have been working with her to always align our words, action, and thoughts through that frequency of Love..Ambikhas' Evolutionary Dance will be taking us back into the jungle in Peru..connecting us back to Pacha Mama, to Mother Nature,, and to our hearts to access that Self Love..because eventually what Mother Noya Rao is really reminding us to love ourselves and take care of ourselves...The Dance then becomes a platform for an Evolutionary process..a journey back to Love..